ND1 Functions (MorphEngine v.1.5)


Function names differ from ND1 to ND1 Classic, but are functionally identical. The Classic names correspond to HP-28S and HP-50g names.

ND1 functions containing special characters in their name (such as →big) have a second aliased name (such as toBig) for easier typing on the edit line or in programs.

If a name below has the comment “(key)” this means that the function’s key cap will appear with this (usually abbreviated) name, but the name is not a valid command. Use one of the alternative (longer) names instead.

In the tables below, argument types are denoted as follows:

ℝ Real Number, 101 Binary Number, bool Boolean, ‘expr’ Expression, () Complex Number, [] Vector, [[]] Matrix, “” String, ≪≫ RPL Program, x/y Fraction, big BigInteger, cf Continued Fraction, bigF BigFloat, image Image

A comma-separated list of argument types indicates the supported types the given function can operate on.

If a function takes more than one argument, they are listed as an enumeration. In the description, the first argument may be referred to as “x”, the second as “y”, the third as “z”.

You can use a Real Number wherever a Complex Number is expected. Functions that only list a Complex Number as argument are meant to be used with Complex Numbers, but will still work with Real Numbers.

Notational Conventions

Trig (menu), TRIG (key) – Trigonometric (and related) functions

Logs (menu), LOGS (key) – Logarithmic (and related) functions

Real (menu) – Functions for Real Numbers

All basic operators as well as functions in Trigs and Logs also operate on real numbers

Complex (menu) – Functions for Complex Numbers

All basic operators as well as functions in Trigs and Logs also operate on complex numbers

Base (menu) – Functions for Binary, Octal, Decimal, and Hexadecimal Integers, incl. BigInts

Array (menu) – Array, Matrix, Vector, List functions

Most basic operators (“+”, “-”, “*”, “/”, “⅟x”, “+/-”) also operate on arrays

All single-arg, real-valued functions also operate on arrays. (E.g., sin or isPrime can be applied to a vector.)

String (menu) – Functions for Strings (character sequences)

Stack (menu) – Functions operating on the stack

Solve (menu and keys) – Functions calling out to WolframAlpha™

Graph (menu) via ∿ (PLOT) key – Functions for graphing

Stat (menu) – Functions for statistics

Store (menu) – Functions for variable updating

The →var functions exist mainly for use in RPL programs and for backwards compatibility

Program (menu) – RPL Program instructions and test functions

Most of these are for use in RPL programs. The test and array processing functions can also be used interactively

pdf (10/26/13)http://naivedesign.com/docs/ND1_Reference_Functions.pdf

Integer (menu) – Functions for Integers, incl. BigInts

(c) 2010-2013 Naive Design. All rights reserved.

Fraction; x/y (menu) – Functions for Fractions (& Continued Fractions)